Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kakum National Park

1)               While in the central region, my group and I visited Kakum National Park, which consists of tropical rainforest. I could not get over the beauty of the park. I wish my pictures could portray the beauty that I was fortunate enough to see in person.
     We walked across hanging bridges in the park known as the “Canopy Walk.” The bridges are 130 feet above the ground, which provided me with an aerial view of the rainforest. I was hoping to see some wildlife too, but only saw a millipede (or maybe it was a centipede….I’m not quite sure) and some lizards, which are actually super cool looking!! 
       Here are some pictures: 

Here is a picture of a lizard. So cool!!

I'll write more soon! Sending you all much peace and love!!




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